5 Filipino Organizations that are for Women Empowerment
One way to practice women empowerment is by being a part of a community with a mission to perpetuate the importance of feminism. As a passion and a way of rediscovering themselves, many Filipinas founded organizations to help and empower other Filipina women. These organizations have different missions to empower more women.
With different issues and expressions, we give you five Filipino organizations that can help you discover your own advocacy and practice women empowerment:
A San Francisco-based advocacy organization, Filipina Women’s Network (FWN) believes in the powerful impact of women. FWN believes that Filipina women should be leaders and contributors to the global economy. They pursue this mission to help more empowered women by creating different programs and dialogues about women empowerment. Through their networks enabled by their members, FWN builds connections to help more Filipinas to compete and prosper, economically and politically.
Recipient of 13th Hildegarde Awards for Women in Media and Communication, She Talks Asia is a platform for modern Filipina women to find and practice women empowerment, describing themselves as:
“a movement that celebrates the modern woman, providing a space for inspiration and support among women across multiple platforms.”
Founded by celebrity feminists and empowered women from Philippine media, She Talks Asia expresses their advocacy for women empowerment by creating an annual conference about various feminist issues, from mental health to body positivity.
It’s long known that there is a gender gap in the field of technology. Until today, women are marginalized in this field, with a backward mentality that it is a men’s world. Girls Will Code wants to break that wall.
A community that encourages girls to pursue their interests in coding, programming, robotics, and engineering, Girls Will Code provides a platform for young Filipinas to learn and share ideas about and through technology. It is founded by Isabel Sieh, a sixteen-year-old with a dream to create new technologies for social good.
ECHOsi Foundation is a non-profit organization that empowers women through sustainable and ethical livelihood. It stands for “Empowering Communities with Hope and Opportunities through Sustainable Initiatives.”
ECHOsi Foundation dreams of cultural communities filled with empowered women. The foundation collaborates with women’s groups from rural communities to create ethical and sustainable products, from coffees to textiles. These collaborations centered on fair trade and social impact allows marginalized Filipinas to conquer their issues as women.
Girls Got Game is founded by female athletes who are empowered women who believe in the power of sports. It is a non-profit organization that wants to break the cycle of poverty in the Philippines by supporting pre-teen girls to pursue athleticism. Their main philosophy is women empowerment through sports.
They run sports camps, turning girls from underprivileged communities around the Philippines into empowered women, equipping them with an athlete’s mind and body. Girls Got Game’s way is putting these girls as a priority to help them create a better life.